Or at least he thinks so. I'm sure if he had the chance he would run.
We made him a path out of carpet to a few different blankets so he can lay down in different spots. He is so over being cooped up, and I don't blame him. The end of May to the beginning of August is a long time for a dog to not be able to run or go outside really. Specially when summer is his favourite.

We have had to lock him in the living room just so he will lay down and quit moving for awhile. He is still only supposed to be doing 2-3 5 minute walks a day, and he's cutting laps of the house.
The bruising is starting to go down, thank god. I was worried he was internally bleeding or something for awhile. His incisions look great too, EXCEPT one staple is starting to come out. I can't necesarilly blame him, it could have got caught on something like the carpet, but he has been caught twice licking his knees. So it is cone of shame time for this guy.

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