July 27th, I was SO gun ho to go pick up our boy.
I made arrangements to meet with Jessy and play pokemon for an hour and a half before we went to pick up Dante. So we would definintely be there on time, and so I wouldn't be pacing around the house like a crazy person waiting for 2 pm to come along.
As we were playing outside we watched the storm blow it. First lightening in the distance, then light rain. By the time we got to the vet, it was full blown pouring. I put Boden in her truck, so it was Jessy - her two older kids 5 and 6, her baby Archer who is 14 weeks and Boden who was 7 weeks. Thats a handful, but it was only supposed to take me a minute! Wrong...
I went in, and they sent for Dante. The vet tech came and went over his after care with me. Although she pretty much just read me the instructions I was sent home with, I guess some people don't read things and need to have them read to them? I don't know, I guess it's a thing.
Then I waited for Dante, I was sitting in the waiting room... well waiting... for like 15 minutes. I thought I might get a bark of joy when he saw me, but I honestly didn't even see him come out. I heard another dog bark, and I looked up. Dante was standing there, cone of shame on... he looked weak and sore and sad. There was no bark of joy from him, he looked at me like ' wtf mom you left me here and you have no idea the shit I have been through since then.'
The idea was to walk him straight out to the car. But the heavens had opened up and RAINNNNNN was coming down.
In between the time that I recieved Dante's instructions and the time he came out I went and moved the car closer to the door. In that 3 minutes I was so soaked from the rain that my bra was wet all the way through, and my hair was dripping wet.
There was no way I could take Dante out in that, on top of him being scared of thunder, it was raining so hard I couldn't subject his poor freshly cut up knees to that. He would have had a mental break down.
So we waited....
and waiteddddd...
Jessy and I were messaging trying to come up with plans. But short of driving my car into the vet, there was no really good option.
I had just set her stroller on mine in the back of my car, the hatch wouldn't close all the way, I figured it would be fine, looked out the window - the hatch was wide open.... so I flooded my car too, that's fun.
Brendon got off work early because the storm was so bad. The power had gone off in the vet office, and it was permanently out down town where he was working. We decided that Brendon was just going to come and carry Dante straight out to his jeep, and it would be done. I can carry Dante, but lets face it, he is 60 lbs... I am only just over double that. If I tried to carry a freshly surgeried Dog out to my car, open the door and put him in there with two strollers in it, in a terrential down pour... it wasn't gonna work....
So we waited.

Soaking wet shameless selfies while stranded at the vet.
Finally in a moment of truth, the rain stopped for just a minute. I ran out, re-adjusted the strollers and came in and got Dante. It was the first time I walked with him after his surgery. It was sad. He had a belly band to help take the weight off his legs. Between that and his leash we hobbled out of there, everyone that saw us felt bad for him, poor guy with both knees all bandaged up. A nice lady opened the door and we were off.
The ride home was interesting, it started raining really hard again as soon as I got in the car. That was ok though we were in, and that's all we needed.
Our total wait time at the vet waiting for the rain to stop ended up being about 45 minutes. Jessy is a brave lady to have all those kids in her car in the parking lot for 45 minutes. Thank god she was there.
We had to drive through washed out lanes on the way home. Thank god we went over the bridges though. Under the 99th street bridge, the one we went over, there were 3 cars stuck in the water as the underpasses were literally over flowing.

Just to give an idea of how much water there actually was.
When we got home I carried Dante into the house. He stayed in bed the remainder of the day. He was sad and hurting and didn't want to move. He needed rest, so we let him be and just gave him some water and love.
He never lost his appetite which we were grateful for.
Dante had an epidural for pain relief, between that and the hair they needed to shave to do that surgery... he has a pretty funky hair cut.